• No Prescription Necessary
  • For Use With Trays
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  • No Prescription Necessary
  • For Use With Trays
  • Bookmark Our Website!

Recommended Daily Instructions and Use



IMPORTANT:  Your dental professional will give you specific instructions based on your specialized treatment plan. Your dental professional may instruct you to wear your tray(s) up to multiple times a day depending on your needs.

It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene at home. This includes brushing at least twice a day, flossing properly and daily, and using any dispensed solutions provided by your dental professional.

If you find you cannot use your Perio-Care gel for any reason, contact your dental professional immediately.


Recommended Instructions:

Periodontitis Patients (4+ mm pockets/bleeding gums/subgingival calculus/mobility)
☐ 4 times a day for 15 minutes
☐ 3 times a day for 15 minutes
☐ 2 times a day for 15 minutes


Gingivitis Patients (1-3 mm pockets/bleeding gums/calculus/inflammation)
☐ 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes
☐ 2 times a day for 15 minutes
☐ 1 time a day for 15 minutes


Prophy or Perio Maintenance Patients (1-3 mm pockets or Controlled bone loss 1-4 mm pockets)
☐ 2 times a day for 10-15 minutes
☐ 1 time a day for 10-15 minutes

Recommended Daily Use For Trays:

1. Hold your tray(s) with the teeth-side down.

2. Apply a thin layer of Peria-Care gel inside each tray.

3. Place tray(s) onto teeth. Spit out any excess Peria-Care gel that may
leak out of the tray(s) following placement in the mouth.

4. Tray(s) should fit securely and comfortably. A good fit ensures good
pressure to hold the gel in place.

5. Wear tray(s) for 10-15 minutes (1 to 4 times daily) or as directed by
your dental professional. If you have bleeding gums, gingivitis or
periodontitis, multiple applications per day are recommended for at least
30 days. After 30 days you can reduce daily applications to 1-2 times per
day if the condition of your gums improve to continue on-going

6. Once tray(s) have been worn for allotted time, remove, and rinse
mouth out or brush teeth to clear remaining Peria-Care gel.

7. Rinse tray(s) with cold water and let them dry.

8. Wait at least 1 hour before using any other oral treatments.

Note: Trays can potentially be deformed and damaged by heat, including hot water. Only use cold water to rinse to maintain full functionality of your rays.


Stop use and ask your dentist or physician if:

  • Symptoms of wounds or inflammation do not improve within 7 days.
  • Irritation, pain or redness persists or worsens
  • Swelling, rash or fever develops

Keep out of reach of children.

Children under 12 years of age should be supervised when using this product.